Mandriva fournit régulièrement des alertes de sécurité aux utilisateurs afin de leur garantir une expérience informatique sécurisée, aussi bien sur des systèmes serveur que des systèmes poste de travail.
Security Advisories
Mandriva makes available all of the Security advisories for Mandriva Linux and related products.
End of Life Product Support
Mandriva provides a definitive Product lifetime map so users know exactly when support for any given Mandriva Linux product will cease, allowing them to plan their upgrade to a more recent version to ensure that you will never be without timely security updates.
CVE Compatibility
Mandriva makes every attempt to apply a CVE name to every security advisory that is issued so that users can easily track security issues. The CVE page provides users with compatibility information. You can also search the advisory database by CVE name.
Advisory RSS Feed
An RSS feed is available for those who wish to keep up to date on security advisories via an RSS viewer like Evolution. The RSS feed URL is https://mandriva.com/rss/feed/security.
Mailing Lists
Three mailing lists are available for Mandriva Linux users concerning security. The first, security-announce is a read-only list that receives security and bugfix advisories. The second, security-discuss is a mailing list for the discussion of security issues. The last, security-firewall is for discussion of the MNF product line. Be sure to subscribe to the mailing list you are interested in. To keep your system up to date with the latest security advisories, you should subscribe at least to the security-announce mailing list.
Kernel Update Procedures
Some users have difficulty upgrading the Linux kernel when new kernels are available via Mandriva Update. The Kernel update page describes how to upgrade your kernel if you are having difficulty doing so.
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Mandriva Online provides a wide range of valuable services for easily updatingg your Mandriva Linux systems, including: Enhanced system security, notification of updates, automatic installation of updates, and flexible scheduled updates. Discover this service and join right now!