

Mandriva is widely recognized as the reference provider of easy-to-use open source systems, whether desktop or server Linux distributions such as Mandriva Linux, Corporate Server and Corporate Desktop or system administration tools such as Pulse.

This key differentiator is constantly strengthened through the integration of advanced user-friendly tools that allow customers to easily achieve tasks that are arduous in other systems. Mandriva One

Mandriva offers one of the smoothest and most automated installation procedures. It further integrates user-friendly security wizards, enabling users from any computing level to efficiently secure their computer.


Full respect of open source principles

Since its inception, Mandriva has been fully adhering to open source. The company develops its products using an open collaborative development process called Cooker, in which hundreds of developers around the globe interact with the company's engineers to define features, integrate new applications and test the final results of this collaboration. The Cooker development model enables thousands of people to scrutinize the source code of Mandriva’s products, thus ensuring a high level of quality and security.

Mandriva publishes two free (as in “free beer”) versions of its operating system: Mandriva Free and Mandriva One. Maintenance for these two versions is also provided for free. Every product developed and distributed by Mandriva is released under GPL. Mandriva contributes to key open source projects such as KDE and Gnome.

Support for interoperability and open standards

Mandriva’s products are based on open standards and all of them are highly interoperable. Customers can readily adapt Mandriva’s products to interact with systems and software from other vendors. Mandriva believes interoperability is an essential requirement for creating customer value. Interoperability enables individuals and corporations to have wider control on the use of their Information Technology assets.

The Linux Standard Base (LSB) is a set of common technical specifications defined by the Free Standards Group to ensure the interoperability between all major Linux distributions, thus easing the job for software and hardware vendors wishing to port their product to the Linux platform. Mandriva is a long time supporter of the Linux Standard Base and believes the LSB is crucial for Linux's widespread adoption. LSB provides integrators and editors with a common Linux platform towards which they can build, in the same way they build for the Windows platform.

Mandriva Linux is supported in more than 70 languages worldwide. The company has developed large communities based on the common loyalty to open source principles – including knowledge sharing and community help.


Mandriva is involved in several large multi-country, multi-competency European projects. The company is often selected in tenders because of its unique expertise and position as a global Linux publisher. Major projects include SINAPSE (secured CC-EAL5 operating system), EDOS (complex software development management), IGGI (grid computing), SCOS (open source platform), Nepomuk (semantic desktop). Mandriva has been on the forefront of innovation with products and technology such as Cups, Mandriva Move, Globetrotter, Mandriva Flash and Metisse.