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Mandriva Course Catalogue

A course for every level...

Mandriva offers a course for anyone wishing to excel in the world of open source. We cover all the bases with introduction courses for end users, and beginners and advanced courses for system and network experts seeking LPI certification.

Mandriva curriculum is continuously updated to ensure that all students are learning the most accurate, cutting edge Linux information on the market. Quality Charters ensure excellence of training throughout our worldwide training network. Furthermore, LPI certification guarantees that students will obtain fully operational skills, official certification, and Mandrivasoft promotional gifts upon course completion.

Buy Training Course Manuals

LNX70 : Introduction to Linux
LPI101 : Linux Systems Administration
LPI102 : Linux Networks Administration
LPI201 : Linux Advanced Systems Administration
LPI202 : Linux Advanced Networks Administration
LNX200 : Real-time Programming with Linux
LNX300 : Programming of Peripheral Pilots