Mandriva Move : Live-CD version of Mandriva Linux; doesn't require installation on hard drive.
Live-CD version of Mandriva Linux; doesn't require installation on hard drive.Take off into the Linux worldHave you always wanted to try out Linux but were afraid you weren't up to the task? Here's Move, the easiest and safest way to test drive Linux. * In terms of storage capacity, you can choose from 128 MB, 256 MB, 512 MB or 1.5 GB. |
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Applications Displayed in Move's Menu
Use office tools
Create a text document -- Writer
Create a spreadsheet -- Calc
Create a presentation -- Impress
Create a drawing -- Draw
Create flowcharts and diagrams -- Dia
Consult an address book -- Kontact-KAddressBook
Send a fax -- KDEPrintFax
View a fax -- KFax
Use a calculator -- KCalc
Search dictionnaries and encyclopedias -- KDict
Organize your time -- Kontact-KOrganizer
Manage tasks -- Kontact-KOrganizer
Track time spent on tasks -- KArm
Write notes -- Kontact-KNotes
Manage your finances -- GnuCash
Manage projects -- Planner
Surf the Internet
Connect to the Internet -- KPPP
Browse the Web -- Konqueror
Read and send e-mail -- Kontact-KMail
Chat -- Kopete
Read and send newsgroup messages -- Kontact-KNode
Organize a video conference -- GnomeMeeting
Transfer files with FTP -- KBear
Enjoy music and video
Adjust the volume -- KMix
Listen to audio CDs -- KsCD
Listen to music files -- Totem
Rip audio CDs -- KAudioCreator
Record sounds -- Sound Recorder
Mix music -- Audacity
Watch videos -- Totem
Watch television -- XawTV
Edit video -- Kdenlive
View, modify and create graphics
View images and photos -- GQview
Edit images and photos -- The GIMP
Scan and use Optical Character Recognition (OCR) -- Kooka
Import and sort your photos -- KimDaBa
Create a screenshot -- KSnapshot
Play games
Cannon Smash
LBreakout 2
Crack Attack! - Solo
Administer your system
Configure your desktop -- KDE Control Center
Configure your computer -- Mandriva Linux Control Center
Change your password -- KDEPasswd
Burn CDs-DVDs -- K3B
Compress and decompress files -- Ark
Format floppies -- KFloppy
User a terminal emulator -- Konsole