Mandriva Move : Live-CD version of Mandriva Linux; doesn't require installation on hard drive.

Live-CD version of Mandriva Linux; doesn't require installation on hard drive.

Take off into the Linux world

Have you always wanted to try out Linux but were afraid you weren't up to the task? Here's Move, the easiest and safest way to test drive Linux.
Built on the Live-CD technology, Move enables you to run a full operating system from just one CD, anywhere, without the need for installation. Move is truly mobile. This is the only product of its kind to offer built-in handling of USB keys, allowing for automatic and seamless backup of configuration settings, as well as user data, up to 1.5 GB*.
Move features the award-winning Mandriva Linux, widely recognized for its user-friendliness, together with a collection of applications equivalent to or compatible with Microsoft® Windows® software. So there are no more barriers to prevent you from taking off into the Linux world.

* In terms of storage capacity, you can choose from 128 MB, 256 MB, 512 MB or 1.5 GB.
To find a complete listing of compatible USB keys, please go there.
** Some media require specific software components not available under Linux. These can't be played by Move.


  • 1 CD

  • 1 "Discovering Linux" Manual (120 pages)


  • 1 month Mandriva Club Standard membership

  • 1 month Web support

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